Arithmio App

Arithmio: Mathematical hide & seek game

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Arithmio: Search and Find Hidden Items

Search and find game prepared for preschool children; There are 5 items hidden in eight different themes: space, sea, vehicles, fruits, shapes, forest, farm, expressions.

The Arithmio App game is beyond a simple search hiden items game. It aims to make use of the objects included in the concepts created for children in terms of noticing the relationship with the concept, attention development and arithmetic development.

- In space concept, planets, spacecraft, satellites, astronauts, etc. hidden objects are included.
- In the marine concept, fish, crabs, sea horses, corals, etc. hidden objects are included.
- In vehicles concept, motorcycle, bicycle, car, van, ambulance, helicopter, etc. hidden objects are included.
- In the concept of fruits, apple, pear, lemon, avocado, banana, watermelon, etc. hidden objects are included.
- In the concept of shapes, black, rectangle, triangle, cube, etc. hidden objects are included.
- In the farm concept, chicken, pig, sheep, cow, etc. hidden objects are included.
- In the forest concept, monkey, lion, elephant, frog, giraffe, etc. hidden objects are included.
- In the concept of expressions, laughing, sulking, crying, angry, etc. hidden objects are included.

Come on, start the game now..

Arithmio App